Be your addicted loved one’s best chance of recovery.

Welcome to our frequently asked questions page. If you have any questions about Dilemma Charity you may find the answer you are looking for here, if you cannot then please go to our Contact Us page and send us a message. We welcome your questions or suggestions!

Best regards,

The Dilemma Charity Team

All donations, whether financial or in goods are put to work in some way to help us provide our services to those with an addicted loved-one. Whether it is paying for room hire so we can meet with people, or printing costs for leaflets & ‘flyers’ to promote our work to those who may not know about us – Everything we receive is put towards helping people.

Yes. Please make contact with us via our Contact Us page here, and one of our Trustees will discuss the various options that are available.

Yes. We welcome peoples time just as much as financial donations. Please make contact with us via our Contact Us page here, and one of our Trustees will discuss what opportunities are currently available that might suit.

DDignity ~ in everything we do! We will endeavour to restore your dignity and remind you of your value and worth that may have become blurred on your journey.

IInclusivity ~ for everyone! We understand addiction has no discrimination and neither do we. Everyone is welcome.

LLove ~ barring no one! Everything you hear/see/learn here at Dilemma, is given with love, always!

EEmpower ~ in everything we do! We will give you the confidence to take actions by empowering you to take back your life, whilst encouraging your loved one to regain theirs.

MMentors ~ with lived-experience of addiction! We have first-hand lived experience of addicted loved ones. Whatever your story, our mentors have gained personal knowledge of substance dependency.

MMotivation ~ to take action! We aim to provide you with the motivation to gain knowledge, care for yourself, and the courage to act.

AAwareness ~ in everything we do! what works and what doesn’t!

Our founder, Linda Easto spent 18 years looking for support for her son., not realising that she needed as much support as he did for his addiction. Having started a Family Group in Lichfield in 2021, this has now expanded into the charity that it now is with presence in both Tamworth and Lichfield providing help and support.

Dilemma strives to help the families, friends and loved-ones of those in some form of substance addiction. Our belief is that by giving hope and providing support to the families & friends will ultimately help the addict.

Dilemma provides a ‘drop-in’ family group meeting in both Lichfield and Tamworth each week, and a permanent presence in Tamworth where people can reach out 6 days a week for advice and support. Additionally we work with NGO’s, emergency services and addiction charities to support their efforts.

Over 150 people have attended the Lichfield family group, and for each person that has attended there are many more family members that have been affected by the addict. We estimate that we have touched the lives of over 1000 people so-far, with our mission to ultimately provide help to everyone in Staffordshire with an addicted loved-one.

The best help for your addict is to learn how to support them in the right way. Dilemma will give you knowledge and skills to that will help you to help yourself, which will in-turn help your addict – Remember that the only person that can control their addiction is the addict themselves. You did not cause it and you cannot cure it, but you do have choices! Take the first step towards helping yourself and helping them by reaching out to us via our Contact Us page here.

Dilemma has links with many other charities, NGO’s and other support services: Better Way Recovery in Lichfield and Tamworth, Burton Addiction Centre, and STARS are a few of the local organisations that provide help and support to the addict, and who refer family members etc. to our services.

Whilst we endeavour to keep our costs to an absolute minimum, like any organisation, Dilemma has running costs that we simply cannot avoid: Rent, venue hire, office consumables etc. We try to obtain as much as possible via donations from businesses and individuals, however there are some costs that we simply have to pay for. As our volunteers and Trustees do not take a salary from any public donations, you can be certain that if you donate, 100% of your money will go to helping people in some way.

We are happy to provide help and support to those who do not live in Staffordshire. Please make contact with us here, and we can discuss how we might be able to help.

We are certain that we have all been in this position and had these thoughts. This is about learning to prioritise yourself and your needs, finding ways to fill up your own ‘cup’ and realise this is the key to you being a useful resource to your loved one that can learn some tips/skills from people who understand exactly what you are going through/have been through.

Even if you don’t have anything to share, coming to listen and just be in an environment where you suddenly aren’t hiding your reality because no one else understands, it is fulfilling to finally feel you are not alone. We would encourage you to ask yourself this (and be really honest with yourself!):

  • Am I currently filling my time running around after my addicted loved one?
  • Am I trying to do everything for them?
  • Am I trying to make them better?
  • Am I trying to fix them?
  • Do I think I can fix them?
  • Do I spend hours mulling over these same questions and thoughts?

We can almost guarantee the answer to these questions will be yes. This is the time we suggest you try and use to come to a group, we promise you will understand this once you have tried it.

If you have practical circumstances that mean you cannot attend , please reach out to one of our team and we will see what other options we may have to support you.

The number one rule of our family groups is ‘who you see & what you hear’ stays strictly within that group environment. Confidentiality is key and none of your story, information or identity would ever be shared without your permission. We pride ourselves on our groups having a ‘second family’ feeling where there is enough freedom in the room to connect with others on a deep level whilst keeping this a very private part of your life outside of that environment if you so wish. We have protocols in place to deal with any breach of this should it ever arise and it we would take this very seriously.

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